hold power

美 [hoʊld ˈpaʊər]英 [həʊld ˈpaʊə(r)]
  • 掌权
hold powerhold power
  1. He had contempt for law as a constraint on those who hold power .


  2. It is built on the abuse of power , or on the other hand , as a deliberate attempt to exploit the weaknesses of those who hold power .


  3. Ultimately , customers hold power via their credit cards .


  4. Within a drow city , various families or houses hold power .


  5. Calculation on Diving Pump Hold Power steel Beam-Rebuilding the Head of Channel Pump Station at Da'ang Irrigation Area


  6. Meanwhile , the center-right looks like it will again hold power in the European Parliament itself .


  7. Because the status quo preserves the position of those who hold power . It is human nature that people who have power want to keep it .


  8. How can the majority of French people trust their representatives , or hope to hold power themselves , when no one in the elite looks like them ?


  9. They are motivated partly by an understandable fear of instability but more by the self-interest of the elites who now hold power .


  10. That 's the basic finding of a research project at the University of Michigan designed to see how the desire to hold power over others affects someone 's ability to accept defeat .


  11. The mass base is the prerequisite of the Party to live and develop , the basic foundation of the Party to hold power and the important symbol for always preserving the Partys advancement .


  12. Kautilya is believed to be the author of the arthasastra , a treatise instructing a would-be king how to gain and hold power .


  13. It requires the behavior of the government to conform to people 's will , is a government which obeys the law , possess the stronger ability of hold power and serve the people wholeheartedly .


  14. Investors who is engaged in exploiting in the mining industry and persons who control actually are generally local those who actually have strength and hold power and outside investor , the miner generally recruits from the hinterland directly .


  15. The purpose to set up the right legally is for making the right protected , hold power profit law can administer relief to it when encroaching on , right it relieves to be Italy that there should be of right .


  16. The military regime has not loosened its hold on power .


  17. The party has kept its tenacious hold on power for more than twenty years .


  18. He hold the power of life and death over all of us .


  19. But his hold on power is increasingly open to question .


  20. Local autonomy is the people hold the power that control the local place .


  21. We , even we here , hold the power and bear the responsibility .


  22. Lastly , only judiciary can hold the power of legal interpretation .


  23. Traditionally , men hold decision-making power in Maasai society .


  24. Which threatens their hold on power .


  25. The social role of administration decides that it hold the power of legal will lead to unfair .


  26. Executives of financial institutions hold the power business of the organization , but also dominate a huge corporate asset .


  27. Segregation is not always something imposed by those who hold political power over the weak and vulnerable .


  28. Those excuses that claim legislature to hold the power of legal interpretation can not come into existence .


  29. The threat is that he could lose the solid economic ground that has underpinned his hold on power for so long .


  30. The interpretation by legislature would be interpreted at last , so it hold the power of legal interpretation has no sense .
